
Reminiscing…Celebrating Cedric, Our Longest Resident

At The Ashton Care Home, we cherish the life stories and memories of our residents. This month, we are delighted to spotlight Cedric, our longest resident, whose remarkable journey through life has inspired many.

A Royal Beginning & a Journey to Birmingham

Cedric’s story begins in Oxford, where he was born on 22nd June, 1952, coinciding with the coronation month of Queen Elizabeth II. At just 18 months old, Cedric’s family moved to Birmingham, following his father’s new position at the University of Birmingham library, a shift from his previous role at the Oxford University Press.

Cedric fondly recalls his childhood days, attending Harborne Infant’s School and later Harborne Junior School, where he excelled and passed his 11-plus exams. His academic journey continued at King Edward VI Five Ways Grammar School, where he achieved six O-levels and four A-levels.

Academic & Professional Achievements

Pursuing his passion for electronics, Cedric attended Liverpool University, earning a B.Eng degree in Electronic Engineering. His professional career began with Plessey Telecommunications, where he was instrumental in installing and commissioning telephone exchanges across the West Midlands. This role allowed him to stay close to home, where he met and married his beloved Pamela. Together, they had three children; Eleanor Frances, Michelle Amy and Christopher Andrew.

Cedric’s career flourished as he joined the CEGB Midlands Region and later the MEB in the Telecommunications section. His leadership in installing private telephone exchanges and dedication to customer service were commendable. During this period, Cedric also achieved an M.Sc., furthering his expertise and contributions to the field.

Facing Challenges with Resilience

In 1987, Cedric was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis, a turning point that tested his resilience. Despite the challenges, Cedric continued to work with unwavering determination, supported by his family, colleagues and friends. His transition to retirement was marked by a generous package from his company, allowing him to retire at 50 with dignity and comfort.

A New Chapter at The Ashton Care Home

A family decision led Cedric to Horsefair Care Home in Rugeley in 2011, where his quality of life significantly improved. By 2017, a need for nursing care prompted another move, this time to The Ashton Care Home in Hinckley, closer to his family.

At The Ashton, Cedric remains an active and cherished member of our community. He produces posters for activities, edits the quarterly newsletter and serves as the residents' representative, organising and chairing meetings. His efforts and positive attitude have made him a beloved figure among staff and residents alike.

Family & Legacy

Cedric’s family continues to be a central part of his life. He stays connected with his children and grandchildren through emails and video calls. The joy of becoming a grandfather again in 2018, with the birth of his granddaughter Poppy, adds to his cherished family memories.

Looking Forward with Optimism

Cedric’s motto, “I am going to live until the end of time and so far, so good! I would love a day out at the Banging Racing as I love this!"

Cedric’s story is a testament to resilience, love and the enduring human spirit. We are proud to share his journey and celebrate his contributions to our community. Cedric, you are an inspiration to us all and we are grateful to have you as part of The Ashton family.

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